OlympicIdea is a new, cheap and innovative way to promote your business
 at a very low annual cost. You can have your website and e-shop ready 
in just a few minutes with the help of one of our representatives. 

Furthermore, our constantly growing community connects your business
 to our club members and you will have the option to offer them important
 discounts and bring them inside your store.

OlympicIdea's promotion tools apply in all kind of companies, but are mainly
 focused on Small & Medium Enterprised companies.

A business owner that pays the annual fee has the following tools:

Website: A simple website where he can have the presentation of his company and basic information.
E-Shop: A basic e-shop functionality that will allow him to display his products and receive requests from his clients

OlympicIdea provides to Merchants the following promotion tools:

Promotion in Olympic Discounts: OlympicIdea allows business owners to offer special permanent discounts to our club members
Olympic Deals: Every business owner is eligible to post as many Super Deals of his products/services as he wants.
Free Product: Another special feature of OlympicIdea is the capability of the business owner to give out a free product to our club members when they make their first purchase from him. 

Learn how to earn income from the Internet and Mobile Apps